
What is Profylo ?

Profylo is a web application which makes it easy for you to build and share a free one page portfolio website to showcase yourself. Profylo removes the regular technical hassles of setting up and maintaining an online presence. It's easy to use and you don't need to know anything about programming or web design. With Profylo, you can manage and customize your entire portfolio using just a web browser. Take a moment to check out our demo site, example portfolio sites or better still, sign up for a free account - it takes less than 60 seconds.

How do i register on profylo ?

You just need your email ready to register. Follow this link and just follow the simple steps to registration on profylo.

Is Profylo really Free?

Yes! Our base plan is completely free, it isnt a trial and it doesn't expire. It features everything you need to run a slick digital online portfolio to showcase your work. Still not convinced? Sign Up for free account for building a portfolio - it takes less than 60 seconds.

How do I install Profylo?

There’s no installation required! We host Profylo so you don’t have to worry about installing or upgrading any software. You only need a modern web browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari and you’re ready to go.

What do I need to get started?

All you need is: A modern web browser (i.e. Chrome, Firefox or Safari)
An email to register your account
Some basic information about yourself, your projects, experiences and contact.
After this, you can choose any theme and publish!
Check out your awesome one page porftolio at
And optionally, a online payment account, if you opt for our awesome PRO plan

Which languages are supported?

Currently, we only support English all over profylo as the global language. But stay tuned for future support on other languages too.

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